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Monthly Archive June 19, 2014


“I’m Shocked”


Back in my day….. Things were a lot slower.

Is it hawt in here…. Or is it jusssssttttt meeeeeeee!?



Quick Draw SF, co-curated by Paint Pens Collective and Never Ending Radical Dude, is officially a montly event! Find us every third Thursday of the month at F8/ 1192 Folsom in San Francisco. Full event details here. See you next Thursday!  



Event Picks for June 12th ||| tomorrows Friday the 13!

Good morning world… there is a 60% chance I am still asleep.. Although I can not confirm that information, what I can guarantee is some national Kick-Ass art events!

Here are our picks for the week// Paris, Australia, Chicago, & San Francisco!

Paris || Magda Danysz Gallery – 78 will be home to Futura’s Work for the next month. Futura is one of the artist responsible for the New Wave of art brought forward in the 80’s. Don’t miss out on seeing the work of this legend! || Saturday 14

Australia || Jodee Knowles will be painting live at Bitter Phew’s. BBQ & Drinks will be there so you should be too! 1pm start. || Saturday 14 

Chicago || Bikes, food, music, beer, coffee, basketball & ART! All this and more at the Paint and Pedal Street Art Show presented by The Q4 Tribe & ALADO. Event runs from 5-10 || Saturday 14

San Francisco || Round two is coming! We are co-hosting our second Quick Draw SF #002 event with our pals at Never Ending Radical Dude! Drinks, music, and artist doing their thang. We will have our makeshift art booth with artists work available for purchase, plus the opportunity to buy original drawings created throughout the night! || Thursday 19

Another art show not to be missed! San Francisco || Andrea Heimer’s artwork at the White Walls and Shooting Gallery/ Shooting Gallery’s Project Space @Andrea Heimer Art Opening Sat 6.14 — with Andrea Heimer Art and Andrea Heimer.

Spills and Thrills


TGIF 13th