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Monthly Archive April 6, 2015

“But is says 50ยข” a drawing inspired by this random kid.

I got all of this for FREE! ;)All you need is a solid gold mouth piece. Duh! #nerdalert #wondercon2015

Here are my favorite costumes from day 3. I took a ton of pictures but these people were so kind and passionate. #metalgearsolid #thelabrynth #armyofdarkness #xmen #jubilee #wimpy #popeye #maryppopins #mysterysciencetheater3000 #teentitans #boxtrolls

Cheers bruuuuh. It’s been a long time since I’ve had this much fun! Sooooooo many interesting people and stunning artworks and toys. It’s a wonderful thing to see so many people get together and celebrate things they are passionate about. I’m grateful. <3

So pumped on my signed #thedailyzoo book by #chrisayers he is one of the few artists that inspire me to create EVERY day. His outlook on life is beautiful. (at Anaheim Convention Center)

Show me your nuts

My day 2 favorites at #wondercon2015 . I love how creative these costumes are. #startrek #riddler #joker #doctorrockso #rickandmorty #qualman #wonderwoman #fathomersimpson #indianajonesandthetempleofdoom #spaceballs #killbill

We’re back baby! Super excited to be a part of this again. Now on the first Friday of every month you can listen to classic soul for free at The Showdown in SF. The homies will be spinning and I’ll be painting. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you sweeties. <3

Today was a blast! Here are some of my favorite costumes! #ilovemyjob

Are we clinging tenaciously to my buttocks? #powderdtoastman