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  • sweetzachary@gmail.com

Monthly Archive November 9, 2015

ZS vs JH (at The Sycamore)

Animator’s meeting turned into a clowin’ session. @jjoshuajh (at The Sycamore)

@thelastcat has a cool pop up going on. I’m Sharing some table space with @bigdogfurie @dethpsun @doubleamartinez (at Izakaya Rintaro)

We just killed a man. #mybrother #perfectnight #bestfriend (at Cha Cha Cha Mission St.)

I look forward to this every month #showdownsf #sterling great tunes and like minded people.

Junior Wells was an American Chicago blues vocalist, harmonica player, and recording artist. Wells, who was best known for his performances and recordings with Muddy Waters, Earl Hooker, and Buddy Guy, also performed withBonnie Raitt, the Rolling Stones, and Van Morrison. This dude. Killed it with collaborations. #juniorwells (at Showdown)

Rahsaan Roland Kirk was an American jazzmulti-instrumentalist who played tenor saxophone, flute and many other instruments. He was renowned for his onstage vitality, during which virtuoso improvisation was accompanied by comic banter, political ranting, and the ability to play SEVERAL instruments simultaneously. #rashsaanrolandkirk you rule. #sterling #showdownsf (at Showdown)

Good morning

I purchased a light table today. It’s set up right next to my bed…

Peace out world… I’ll see you later.

#animation #animator #iminlove ? #zacharysweets ?

“Pleatherface” (California Chainsaw Massacre) & “Cardboard Werewolf” @jjoshuajh #happyhalloween #housepartiesrule