• 17073843382
  • sweetzachary@gmail.com

Yearly Archive June 28, 2016

Thanks for the love!
#mood #birthdayboy #cakeeater #cakehead #ZacharySweet


Beach Bods


I’ll be coming out with a NEW colorway soon. #sweetsucculent

Good morning my sweet lil nectar babies.

I just dropped off my brain candy for the Creature Feature artshow Opening TOMORROW June 18, 4-8pm @ Creative IQ. Featuring the art of @felishita Felicia Ann, @bud_snow Bud Snow, Raphael Tapia III and ya boy! Curated by Mario Navasero @mantistic

#creativeiqsf #artgallery #artinsf #bayareaart #sf #getthatbootyshocked #ZacharySweet (at Creative IQ Art Studio)

TONIGHT! Paint Pens Collective will be slangin’ prints, zines & other goodies at our pop-up shop, part of the NightLife at the California Academy of Sciences LIVE series. ALSO the new deep sea creature exhibit will be open!!!

Artists: Brie Spiel, Emma Munger, Mary Syring, Joshua Herbolsheimer, Andrew Sciazko, Megan Lynn Kott, Justin Devine, Chelsea Brown, Jason Furie, Tatyana Vogt, Nigel Sussman, Shayna Yasuhara (Curator) and yours truly.

NightLife LIVE June | Lower Dens and Tamaryn
Img: Nigel Sussman/ Nigel Sussman Illustration (at California Academy of Sciences)

Goooooood morning sunshines! I’ll be in a group art show THIS SATURDAY! @creativeiqsf ?

I’ve been dying? to share some new works with your sweet flavored frontal lobes. Come get that booty shocked! Curated by the level 73 spellcaster @mantistic #creaturefeature #artshow #creativeiq #ZacharySweet #bootyshocked #secretarfterparty #thepasswordispassword #treatsforthosethatshow #feetsforthosethatblow

I’ve got one left on my online shop. First come first serve!

I will have some available this Thursday at The Academy of Science SF. Nightlife Event. I’m super excited! I hope to see you there! #academyofscience #paintpenscollective #designertoy #ZacharySweet #sweetsucculent #succulent (at California Academy of Sciences)