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  • sweetzachary@gmail.com

Monthly Archive November 21, 2013

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1N01w8wsO84?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=250&h=187]

Second Hand Barf. 

smooooooth baby

Im pretty excited to be working on this music video. Experimenting with some rotoscoping in Flash CS6.  Not only did I do the FX make up…… but im also doing the animation! 😀 here are 4 different styles I will be using. two more on the way. 

JC Pennys has a great deal on faces today.

Supermegarare! Only a run of 10. 24 pages. Full color. Hand embellished. Each one was licked by a Voodoo Priest…

Phantasmagoria….. and shifting series of phantoms, illusions, or or deceptive appearances, as in a dream.


I wanted to destroy something beautiful. 😉

endangered species. 
