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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1N01w8wsO84?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=250&h=187]

Second Hand Barf. 

Im pretty excited to be working on this music video. Experimenting with some rotoscoping in Flash CS6.  Not only did I do the FX make up…… but im also doing the animation! 😀 here are 4 different styles I will be using. two more on the way. 

Eye The Beholder… 

Art by Zachary Sweet


blend in…….

“ be prepared to wait a lifetime”

pen and ink on altered photograph. 

Went to the DMV today……. 

I was there for what seemed like an eternity. 

I did this lil sketch.

It just goes to show you that artist are never bored. 

p.s. DMV…… i hate theee! 

“Winning Loser” aka “Selfish Selfie" 

Medium: pen and ink on paper cut out, found lottery ticket collage.

another one of my pieces in a happy home. 😀   

title: “Bloody Mary”   mixed media on paper

California is killing.

I have done more painting demos then I can count.

I was thinking about how many wonderful people I have met doing this. Its been about 5 years. Its true when they say time flies. 

I created this painting using a few different types of facial make up. blush, eye shadow, eye liner and foundation.  I also used spray paint and acrylic paint.  displayed this at the “Uncultivated Vulgarity” art show last night.  It was a blast! 

I will upload a better pic soon

thanks everyone who came out!