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  • sweetzachary@gmail.com

Blog Archive

Growing a Helping Hand

Pretty excited to start this lil “weekend project”. Going to jam on some rough keys and play with the timing. Made this puppy a long time ago and alomost forgot about it.

If you’re a scatterbrain like me…then you probably have a ton of ideas that will never see the light of day… But they will continue to plague your thoughts and chew on your brain stem until your motor functions stop and you are left quivering in a corner, rocking back and forth. ?

Happy Friday my sweet lil sugarholics, with your lil frosted flake feet, skipping joyfully to the gates of hell.
#zacharysweet #cereal #love #animation #storyboard #animatic #alien #igottahavemypops (at Oakland, California)

Apocalypstick #kissandsmell

GHOST by Zachary Sweet from Zachary Sweet on Vimeo.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JRp1sQio3U?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=250&h=141]

Malaki Brooks filmed me painting at SF Flax. This weekend will be your last chance to check out the show!

Curated by Luke Martinez of #thelastcat music by the talented Justin Alexander Tuan Smith #citizenten share with your friends and check out the closing reception 1699 market street. SF

I’m so very excited and honored! to be a part of @johncaseyart “✋’s?’s” Art Show in January @faultline_artspace. After completing the #collaboration #drawing I had to #animate this. #handsandpants

Airbrushing ?some final colors for the @lolligagworld art show on the 29th @wootbearbelly gallery. #wootbear #lolligag


Cartoon Chicken

Jed got away Scot-free…